Zimmerman Martin Case

If you break into an occupied home the chance you should be taking is that you may very well be shot.

By the way both the nunchucks and the staff are considered deadly weapons here.
I mean, there's not a lot of things I'd shoot someone over. They could take my car, my wallet, my clothes, my grandmother, but they better stop when they get to the bonsai benches is all I'm saying. I've had some of those trees for years! We... We've got history man. Most of the trees wouldn't be worth shooting someone over, but there's a few that I wouldn't hesitate with.
That of course is an opinion. In many countries if you shot a burglar you would be charged with murder/man slaughter.

I don't think anybody has an automatic right to kill over possessions. (Being threatened is another thing, whether breaking into you home is a direct threat to your life is up for debate.)

Most countries don't have the 'castle' laws that the USA has in regard to protecting ones home.
By the way, sometimes I wish we DID. (in the UK)

If only I could shoot the bloody T.V 'license' people. Nonces.
You'd think that Obama was afraid of zombies or something xD

You'll have to excuse me on that, I interpreted what you said as meaning a gun was used as in fired.

Read my edited comment so that we can include that view point as well. Plus I'll have a read through the bellow links so we're all on the same page!

Thanks for sharing, I'll read this tomorrow, it's already quite late here.
Knowing this country's laws, that'd put me in a heck of a lot of trouble. Plus a gun would have been useless, I was asleep both times and was none the wiser until the morning.

I was kidding about the nunchuck comment man :p If anything I'd take one of my edge-less swords to spook them away, and with my physique I'd probably be enough of a threat (not to boast or anything, it's worked before) to make them run.

EDIT: Staff's are illegal where you're from??? How does that makes sense xD It's just a "big stick" you can essentially pick one off the ground in most parts of the world :p
I think he means if you use it to assult someone... whether in or out of the home. Actually, if you beat someone into a coma or death with a staff, you are probably MORE likely to get into trouble simply because a jury could chalk one gunshot up as just out of fear, harder when you beat someone with a stick.
Having a good physique means nothing these days. Everyone is roided up and is huge around here (not enough to do I guess) and maybe to some it might be intimidating, but that might get you shot even faster.
MY GOD SAVED!! I'm not going to whack someone to death xD

You scare and entertain me man, don't leave MAP :p

A few good hits and they'll run, or if one goes rough he'd get knocked unconscious, enough time to call the coppers.

But as I said before I'm not actually planning to attack anyone, just spook them off.
Having quite a bit of knowledge of the gun culture here, your average bloke breaking into a house won't be armed with more than a knife or a bat. So I'm not too too afraid of guns. That being said, better to get robbed than to get shot...

Don't get me wrong it sucks, but it's a million times better than being dead.
I don't think you quite understand the statistic, because the legal-versus-illegal, retail-versus-black-market issue doesn't affect the statistic at all. You don't need a gun's serial number or date of purchase in order to record a crime committed with a gun versus a crime stopped with a gun.

If police find a bullet-riddled body in a dumpster, a check mark goes in the "crime committed with a gun" column, even if the murderer or the gun is never identified. If an ex-husband shoots a bullet into his ex-wife's home, that's a crime committed with a gun, even when it's not found. When a masked man sticks a revolver in someone's face and takes their wallet, without firing the gun, that's a crime committed with a gun, even if the man or the gun is never found.

When a homeowner stops a home invader by holding him at gunpoint until police arrive, that's a crime stopped by a gun. When a woman presses a snub-nose revolver into the gut of an attempted rapist and pulls a trigger, that's a crime stopped by a gun.

The CDC has compiled statistics, and the latter category outnumbers the former category several times over.

And I thought about why Obama used the CDC instead of the FBI. FBI, as law enforcement, is populated by cops (who tend to be conservative and pro-firearm). The CDC, as a bunch of doctors, tends to be more politically liberal and thus more anti-firearm. Obama stacked the deck in an attempt to get as anti-firearms findings as possible, and despite that, the findings were very pro-firearm in terms of self-defense and crime prevention.

Obama is NOT a Republican puppet. He's the head of the Democratic Party and has beaten Republican candidates in elections twice. He pushed through a massive health care law that Republicans considered both unconstitutional and economic suicide. Puppets don't do that to their puppetmaster. Your comment betrays a misunderstanding of the American political system. I don't mean this as a personal attack--I know basically nothing of Dutch politics, so I'm not going to throw stones--but I would recommend you scrap that idea quick.
I cannot fully understand, how can anyone discuss a gun culture without having lived in such culture for a long period of time.

As well as a case, which btw, as I see news, read, and exchange info with others on much other correspondence, starting to show, how lack of evidence, lack of logical understanding, and most of all, not being in the courtroom, and especially not being a juror, can anyone come to a conclusion of fact-reason

Everyone is a "Armchair Quarterback"

This trial is as much a circus debacle as the OJ Trial. (Which was coined “The Trial of The Century" – although there were a few before, and now showing after)
I have a shaved/buzzed head... come on man, don't group all of us together! Oddly enough when I met my Wife's Father for the first time, he told her that I "looked like a convict" lol.
Next, you need to attack him, get him to the ground, and beat his head against the concrete.
You better hope he does not have a gun

You mean you don't have the image/face of 12-13 year old with the tall body, build, and energy of a 17yr old high school basketball player?

He "profiled you"!
Ssssh, only whites on blacks can be considered as profiling someone