Zimmerman Martin Case

Ah...yeah right.
As far as I can tell escorts just call themselves that because they don't wanna be called prozzies.
But they are pretty much the same.
Escorts are less likely to hang around on street corners perhaps.
My understanding is its used as a cover, but it also grants you leeway. An escort is under np obligation to have sex with you and its more of a social expectation than a legal right. You pay for the girls time. If she decides not to have sex with you you have no ground to claim they robbed you
So you have a legal right to have sex with a prostitute but not an escort?
This is confusing.

I had sex with an escort one time.

Burnt my willy on the exhaust pipe.
have you seen the nationwide protests around this case and verdict? your "black friends" that don't think this is a racism issue are being drowned out by many, many more that do think that.

i turn YOU off? poor you! we can't have that. hey everybody, don't talk race because it will turn ero off.

again, where did you hear me say all of white america is lynching blacks? mitlov thought that somewhere i said zimmerman "hunted blacks for sport" and engaged in "premeditated racial murder". when i said nothing of the kind.

i've said over and over, there is institutional racism in this country that manifests itself in different ways. there is evidence of it. george zimmerman used race to deem trayvon martin "suspicious". there is a pattern of him calling in "suspicious" black males. it doesn't matter that george zimmerman had black friends, or that most cops don't think they're racist. the evidence clearly points to black people being deemed more "suspicious" than others. i'm going to go all caps-lock cause i'm really getting sick of you guys.


that felt good. i'm done now. have at it with your little discussion. i'm through with this.
I don't actually know. The way I look at it is if you hire a prostitute then you're effectively making a contract to have sex. Same as hiring a plumber or whatever. If they said no and walked off with your cash I would accept a court case for basically theft. Pretty sure that wouldn't actually happen but its how I'd explain it.

An escort on the other hand could spend the alloted hour with you and walk away without any sex and I'd think it was fine. I'd feel bad for the guy, but technically there's no guarantee of sex with an escort service. You literally pay for them to accompany you and the policy I hear is that if you magically end up sleeping together then its to do with the escort and not anything to do with the business.

Obviously its mostly just a way around prostitution law but I do still see a clear difference between the two.
It sounds like saying "Yes" might get me into trouble.
So I'll say "no"...it is not acceptable to kill a prostitute for not having sex with you.
Go ask most black men if they voted for Obama. Though many black people are coming out and saying they voted for him strictly because he was black and now are sorry they did so.


2.Causing one to have the idea or impression that something or someone is of questionable, dishonest, or dangerous character or condition.

Zimmerman is a neighborhood watchmen in a neighborhood that several break ins had recently occurred. I would say it was his job to call in ANYONE he might find acting suspicious, and he already said why Martin was suspicious.
There's a pattern of him calling in suspicious behavior in general, not just "suspicious" black males. It's also interesting to note he never mentioned race until he was asked by the 911 dispatcher. 20% of the population where he lives is black, so if 7 out of the 46 of his calls mention black males as a suspect, that's only 15% of his calls. Interesting.

How do you equate pointing at lots of people protesting as drowning out those who don't feel that way that are in your category ("black males") you presented earlier? Are you saying an opinion held in mass is right just because many hold that opinion? That the opinions of the people I associate with that you label "black males" doesn't matter and are irrelevant? God help us if we start playing by those rules.

If you haven't noticed the tone and rhetoric used by others, the way you explain yourself seems to be a bit of a turn off for them too. I only mentioned myself because it's not nice to lump other people in with certain ideas or thoughts or feelings unwillingly. Maybe the tone and approach you're taking on explaining yourself is what is making people think you're really meaning "lynch mob" and "hunting blacks" or whatever.

And it's humorous to read that you're getting sick of everybody else. Not only are you completely unable to articulate what you want to say without sounding like a whiney, self-righteous know-it-all, but you're stuck on repeat. You just say the same thing over and over again and don't answer anybody's questions/comments, pick the "facts" that work for what you want to say, and pretty much ignore everything else. Just copy and paste man, no sense in writing something some-whatish new every time.

I bet you think you've been full of self-control and decency while replying in this thread too. Way to lose that by going all CAPS. You never go full CAPS.
Come on. Do you know how hard it was to specifically find a black guy celebrating on an animated GIF?
Well according to this thread's logic, about as hard as it would be to find an animated GIF of a suspicious looking white guy.
One of my friends live in Oakland. Rioters there have been smashing businesses and looting them purportedly in protest of the Zimmerman verdict. One shopkeeper was beaten with a hammer after trying to protect his wares.

You know how swayed I am by the opinions of looters who beat innocent people because they're upset about a jury verdict three thousand miles away? NOT. AT. ALL.

He was charged with murder, not just manslaughter (requiring proof of a desire to kill, not just recklessness), and you think he's guilty. Ergo...

Technically speaking, he was walking aimlessly looking at different residences in the rain. That is somewhat unusual. It's consistent with a thief looking for an easy target. Unfortunately, it's also consistent with a houseguest who has gotten turned around in a cookie-cutter neighborhood and can't remember which house he's staying in.

If he had said "what the hell is your problem dude" before jumping Zimmerman and smashing his head into the ground, or called the cops about being followed (by what turned out to be neighborhood watch) instead of texting his friend about a "creepy-ass cracker," we'd be debating whether Zimmerman was racist without a coffin being involved.

You don't get to just attack people for "following" you. A lot of people I've spoken to who disagree with the verdict think you do, and that's simply not accurate. I'm a litigator and I hire private investigators to surreptitiously follow people who have made disability claims. So long as they're following you on public streets and not private property, that's essentially always legal. You can't use force against someone for doing something that's legal. I also have a friend who was pepper-sprayed by a woman who thought he was following her (completely mistaken), who didn't stop to demand what he was doing before resorting to force.