Your plans for summer

goverment class every morning till 12
-golf from 12:30 to about 3 ish on sundays
-maybe play here and there. (might see some of you at psp chi-town)
-work on the yard
-hang out with friends
-show choir practice every week day
-play counter strike here and there
-but most of all...swim a lot with friends.
Move out, sign up for classes, redo my parent's condo, and other than that, I have no idea. I'm considering taking some classes over the summer just to get a jump start for next year, but I'm still indecisive.
work my ass off for hopefully a scholarship caddying. Soccer, track, the girlfriend (assuming all goes well). Hopefully much drinking and partying. No vacations, just hangin around.
A youth camp thing the first week. Sounds gay but it's really fun. Stay in college dorms and there's dances and such.
Then the second week another camp.
Third week im staying home.
Fourth week im going to New York.
Fifth week im going to California.
Then for July im going to stay home and possibly work and just do a lot of hanging out. First summer driving so it's going to be pretty epic.
i may be adding hawaii to my to my list of things.
i may buy a plane ticket and go with a friends fam for 7 days and get back 2 days before the missions trip
I will be starting college in June, so I won't exactly have much of a summer. However, I'm sure that school in DC will provided many opportunities for fun.
Summer classes at college for 2 months. Then intership for the last two months. Going to montreal and nyc a bunch of times. California in july. Possibly Greece if i can get the time off. If not blow the money building a motorcycle or hot rod.
PSP Chicago, a couple SPCS events here in Florida, practice, fishing, beach, working out, finding a job and working at least five days a week for a while, maybe take a road trip (I get 31mpg). Not sure yet. Lots of tubing down the river here...
Start my 6 new plants of White Widow
Go back to a smoke shop and learn Glass Blowing.

Wait till near end summer and combined the 2 of those factors along with girls and friends = win for the summer