Your pet peev?

1.spoiled, screaming kids brother
3.hairdryers, coffee grinders, vaccums (I hate the noise)
4.cottage cheese (yuk!)
5.people with a LOT of ego
6.Martial Art people who think they are so tuff when they're not!
7.certain kinds of dogs
8.MORNING PEOPLE (they're SO happy in the morning!)
9.dumb movies that show kids that it's funny to be disrespectful to adults!!!!!

I can't think of what else. Those are my main pet peeves.

Fuzzy Panther
You have a few more of my pet peeves that I didn't think of, Fuzzy.

My honey grinds our coffee, which is cool because it's fresh. But not when it's 5:30 in the morning. I'M NOT A MORNING PERSON!!! LOL. Morning people make me wanna puke LOL (or want to ring their happy little necks).
EEEKKKKK More power to you, TKD LOL You won't catch me getting up before 10am at the earliest. I work nights, so I can sleep in
whew, 10am I am just looking at going TO bed lol.

I think the thing that drives me nuts the most is people... just in general. Human beings are the most senseless, illogical, egotistical, self centered things on this planet. I don't know how we made it past being apes really lol.

Morning people really drive me nuts. Alot of them are jogging when I leave work like their going to live forever... I just think of yelling out the window "Not if I run you over you won't " lol.

Loud or scraping noises I really can't stand.

People who swear they are right when they are so wrong you wonder if you're talking about something even remotely connected to reality anymore.

Waking up.

Temps below 85 degrees.

That's the basics anyway.
Here's another. Cold weather. I am not a winter person. Anything below 75 is too cold for me. I moved to the wrong state ..... right now it's snowing (about a foot so far), and my belt ceremony got canceled ggggggrrrrrrr. My test almost got canceled cause it snowed that day, too I passed, but ya wouldn't know it, because I haven't got my blue belt yet .....
TKDwarrior, no I'm a blue belt now (I was green with blue stripe). Well I haven't actually got my belt yet, but I know I passed LOL.

Thanks, Kyokushin_girl Yes, blue is usually right before red (which is the last one before black). But my school has brown, too (blue, brown, red, black). If I was in a REAL TKD school, I'd go to red after this one. But my instructor added a color to milk us of more money My school is getting very close to becoming a McDojo/Dojang gggggrrrrrrr
lol may be for ur own good...some ppl just hac knack of gettin belts
but it actually surprises me that u r doing TKD from just 1 yrs n u hav become Blue belt...
in my class u'll take one year just for yellow belt...
n my teacher charges dirt cheap(250 bucks/month=less than 5$)
so guess he's not makin money...
normally it takes at least 5-6 yrs in my class to get BB. if teacher see u r too eager then he won't teach u complete curriculum n u'll get failed he'll tell u when u r ready
TkdWarrior wrote:

My own good? It wasn't my idea. My school is all about rank, not technique. If I was still in TSD, I'd be no where near as far as I am now in TKD.

My point exactly They said they wanted to rush me because I have experience. But I chose to slow down when I got my green belt. I wasn't in no rush.
NOT. A few people I know got BB in 2 years.>
doh then they'll give me BB in couple of days ... i m doing TKD from 3.5+ years before that it was Thai boxing... drilled with judo n other grappling arts...can do nunchaku n bit of sticks

I pay $100 a month.
doh that's pretty ...come over here u'll get it TKD darn cheap

. But I chose to slow down when I got my green belt. I wasn't in no rush.
lol here u'll actually cry n ask teacher to give belts he knows i can beat up most of his students but my BB is no where in sight
reason: my forms r not good, my pre arranged sparring is not good, all i can do is blast with my hands n low kicks(can do high too) n do most of locks very efficientlys sounds like Anti TKD...
PS: did yea talked to ur instructor??
Jim, i agree with you......this is another old thread.....god.......

my other pet peev is when people ask me what my pee peev is........i just hate those two words in that order......
I don't like really stupid people, sue-happy people, egotistical people, really rude people, republicans, selfish people, power hungry people...the list goes on.
You too Huh?
I knew that I wasn't alone on that one. I don't know why either...

As well as the Rightist issue, Pigeons and Jugglers.
I HATE Bloody Jugglers.
I eat half a tub of cottage cheese before bed everynight, and I'm fine in the mornings (as long as I'm isolated and in the dark for a good hour before contact wiht others)

My pet peeves...

1. My own self-delusions and misconceptions that cause me more suffering than any external situations combined.

Cell phones in a movie theathre.

People talking during a movie.

People in sports cars(mustangs, corvettes, porsches) who drive below the posted speed limit.

People who block the whole lane in a grocery store with their cart.

People who make STATEMENTS and expect you to give them an answer to a question they did not ask.

Kids screaming and their parents do not say anything.

When you order out for food and it NEVER arrives.

When you write on a forum for a half hour and the computer locks up and says " canceled "

Just some for now..