Your most embarrassing or weird hobby/interest...


New member
Apr 8, 2008
What is your most embarrassing or weird hobby/interest?

share it with ihav :p:

I'll start...I actually enjoy watching Homes Under the Hammer on BBC every morning :laugh:
Nothing wrong with homes under the hammer :ninja:

I guess mine would be cross stitching... I don't think it's weird or anything but my boyfriend thinks it makes me seem like a 40 year old.
At the age of 4-6 I was a wrestler :p:
My dad took my brothers to this childrens wrestling thing every week and for the first couple of weeks I just waited at the gym for the class to end. Then my dad asked if I could join in.
There was another girl too.. she was the same age as me but two heads taller and a HUGE amazon. I was so scared of her. I was also very embarrassed about my hobby and didn't want to tell any of my kindergarten friends about it as everyone else was doing ballet or something girly.
Me too. Nothing wrong with an influx of property programmes to start your day. I watch Escape to the Country and To Buy or Not To Buy as well. I like seeing the before and afters when they've done the house up :p:
I have a habbit of taking my shoes, and usually my socks if i can, off in public places which doesn't really embaras me as the people i'm with...
I break out into song pretty easily- my voice isn't bad but it's not mariah carey either! again, doesn't bother me so much as the people around me!

I will confess that I still watch bugs bunny cartoons and that mulan is my favourite film :D
I am also a member of a Rabbit forum, and have been to several rabbit shows (like Crufts for rabbits). :facepalm2:
I used to watch and love an insane amount of children's TV, like a whole day of flicking between CBeebies and CITV. My mum, fearing for my social life, recently talked me out of getting an In The Night Garden duvet set for Uni. "Maybe when you know people a bit better," she said.

I collect shoesboxes and fill them with free leaflets I get given on the street.

I used to collect those small free strips of paint colours from B&Q, and then cut them up and cover my walls in them. I also managed to bluetack on a big Malteser box and a Magic Roundabout easter egg box on there. My room looked like one of those art gallery pop art installations.
I have this weird thing with shoes ... ever since I was really really young I like to just sit and watch people go past, but I look at their feet and 'judge' their shoes :blush: I can remember it starting when me and my dad used to go and pick my mum up from work and we'd have to sit and wait for her, and when people walked past I'd always look at what people were wearing on their feet and tell my dad if they suited their outfit or not lol. I'd like to add that I now keep my opinions to myself :p:

I also collect the paper that comes off chocolates in restaurants and stuff to make springs :rolleyes: :eek:: I don't know why..
Good, more people should. Original Disney is unbeatable... The newer one's (pixar) aren't even musicals anymore!! :(

Ahh but i watch mulan 2-3 times a week... Can you beat that?:D
I don't like Pixar's ones as much. They aren't bad, but lack of music is just dissapointing
aAnd I watch Little Mermaid almost everyday :p: I love the sings, especially "Part of Your World" :yep: