You'll never guess who Curt Schilling endorsed for president


Jun 17, 2007
Here are three big hints as to who former MLB star Curt Schilling has endorsed for president.*
1. His endorsement for president isn't a former First Lady. *
2. It's not for any guys named Bernie, either. The Yankees used to have one of those and that rivalry got to be pretty intense
3. It's for the one candidate who, like Schilling, stands out for being outspoken and at times even controversial during the campaign.
[Elsewhere:*Jose Reyes suspended until May 31 for domestic violence arrest]
If you guessed Donald Trump, you're correct.
If you didn't guess Donald Trump, then we'll direct you to the*nearly 1,500-word endorsement that was posted to Schilling's personal blog on Friday. It should help fill in the blanks.
Here's the lead-in: *
I’ve known Mr. Trump for a little over a decade. Our first encounter, and subsequent encounters, had to do with his request for me to appear on the apprentice.
We spoke at length every time we got together.
I realized very quickly this was a man decisive in action and confident in his ability.
Schilling proceeds to explain the three biggest reasons why he's become a Trump supporter, which he insists are not skewed by his dislike for other candidates. Each is very detailed, leaving little room for questioning or back-pedaling. Schilling is steadfast in his support, though he's also consistent in his calling for Trump to show more leadership and more consistency during his campaigning.*
I do want Mr Trump to stop the name calling, I do want him to start being much more specific. But that’s just me and my opinion. I love that he gets it. What do I mean by that? I mean if you heard his initial tax proposal and recently heard his talk around changing that, you understand unlike the liar in chief, he gets that what’s going to happen is far too complicated to guarantee anything until you sit in the oval office. He won’t pander, and that alone sets him apart from 99% of the corrupt entrenched old white gov’t.
Needless to say, Schilling shares a lot of strong opinions about current president Barack Obama and the state of the government. *
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With that in mind though, if you happened over to**this week and placed a prop bet on Schilling becoming Trump's running mate, we suggest you not get too excited.*The endorsment here was strong, but Schilling will have us know he doesn't need the job or the money. He seems content blogging and analzying baseball in any form he can find.*
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Mark Townsend is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Townie813