You’ve know you’ve worked too long in a lab when…


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
By on March 26, 2014 in Just for fun
My fellow scientists, you’re not alone in thinking “is it just me….”. Here is a short list of the few crazy things we do, compiled from multiple sources with a few of my own for you to enjoy! For anyone else reading this, I hope this may explain why we are the way we are

  1. No one in your family has any idea what you do
  2. You use the words “aliquot” and “thaw” in regular sentences
  3. You give lab equipment motivational pep talks or death threats depending on your mood
  4. You start making patterns in your pipette tip box as you take tips out
  5. You’ve wondered what distilled water would taste like
  6. You have a pile of hand-written protocols in the lab that only you can decipher
  7. You’ve used Kimwipes to blow your nose, and thrown it into the chemicals bins
  8. You use your students as slaves, and so they should be!
  9. You have taken camilacs home for your spices, or expressed breast milk (yes you do mums!)
  10. You have an endless supply of junk from trade shows at your desk- that you never use but it was free!
  11. You momentarily disappear from social functions because of a “time-point”
  12. You decide which conferences to go to based on where is best to holiday afterwards
  13. You rejoice when grabbing a handful of eppendorfs/bijous/anything and it turns outs to be the exact number you needed
  14. You can very accurately guess the amount of “ul” or “mls” left in a tube
  15. You actually know what “ul” stands for….
  16. You can’t watch CSI without cursing at least one scientific inaccuracy
  17. You wash your hands BEFORE you go to the toilet
  18. You cry when your cells die
  19. You secretly want to autoclave your coffee mug because nothing you do will get rid of the stains
  20. You stop buying open-toed shoes because you won’t be able to wear them to work anyway
  21. You think of cooking as a glorified chemistry experiment
  22. You’ve worked out a trained chimp could do 90% of your work!
  23. You had the Eureka moment, only to find out someone someelse else discovered the same things 10 years ago
Feel free to add your own in the comments!



[h=4]About Sara Al-Musawi[/h] Sara Al-Musawi completed her PhD in Reproductive Endocrinology from the University of Reading, UK in 2007. She is currently working as a medical researcher at Prince Henry's Institute in Melbourne, Australia 'The world's most liveable city!' Sara is passionate about learning about life's many wonders and telling you all about it! View all posts by Sara Al-Musawi ?

[h=3]About The Author[/h] Sara Al-Musawi completed her PhD in Reproductive Endocrinology from the University of Reading, UK in 2007. She is currently working as a medical researcher at Prince Henry's Institute in Melbourne, Australia 'The world's most liveable city!' Sara is passionate about learning about life's many wonders and telling you all about it!
