Xbox 360 to Computer Monitor?


New member
Mar 4, 2008
I'm trying to set up my 360 to a computer monitor. I need a male VGA to female RCA adapter. Has anyone ever seen/heard of one? All i can find are cables designed to send a signal from VGA to RCA... or would they work in reverse? I dunno if it'd work and i don't want to break anything trying the wrong thing. Any ideas?
I bought the Microsoft cable specifically for this. Go to best buy and get one.

Er I mean, GTFO faggot.
i have a cooling fan for my abox, that has vga but i cant figure out how to get sound at the same time,
Allright - thanks to people like Cmizzle who tried to help. Why the hell would the rest of you even respond other than trying to be idiots? fuckin tards - they're why i stay in the SP forum at least they're smart