/www.icra.org/ratingsv02.html: this comes up on internet explorer and im mad!?

how the fuk do u get this off? when i open enternet explorer a small window asks for a password. this prevents me from getting online how do i remove this system? i dont even know where it came from
: Louco:
quero tiras essa tal de senha de supervisor,e nãã estou office
porque no pude adril la pagina principal de internet explorer
i wish someone will post how to get this thing off my computer!!!!!!!!!!!!Y me!!!!
how the fuk do u get this off? when i open enternet explorer a small window asks for a password. this prevents me from getting online how do i remove this system? i dont even know where it came from
how the fuk do u get this off? when i open internet explorer a small window asks for a passward, this prevents me from getting omline how do i remove this system?. i don't know where it came from

how the fuck do u get this off? when i open internet explorer a small window asks for a password. this prevents me from getting online how do i remove this system? i don't even know where it came from[/QUOTE]
How to stop this label pop up always asking for my password and not register it
Each time I try to use Internet Explorer, a pop up appears asking for my password and I point to memerise it and it does not register