WWE Draft Predictions:If WWE Used These Draft Picks,WWE could get more


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Apr 17, 2010
Interesting and Exciting and More Views? RAW:
The Undertaker: The Undertaker hasn't been on RAW in years, I think he should finish his final years on RAW and have fueds with John Cena and Triple H. John Cena vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania could be builded later in the year.

Batista: Batista hasn't been on SmackDown in 3 months, RAW should be his home and he is the best heel in the WWE and his mic skills have gotten amazing. The Animal Officially Back on RAW.
Batista is currently fueding with John Cena. They could renew Batista vs. Triple H rivalry again.

CM Punk: CM Punk and his Straight-Edge Society gets Drafted to RAW, so more superstars can join their stable. CM Punk could help RAW get more ratings and he could have a fued with John Cena to keep him off the WWE Championship.

Rey Mysterio: Rey Mysterio can be on RAW, to make a tag team with Evan Bourne or Yoshi Tatsu or even fued with Bourne, Tatsu, Chavo, Primo, The Miz. How does this sound John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio, WWE's top biggest faces facing each other.

John Morrison: John Morrison could very well indeed be the next Shawn Micheals, he has the look, ability and charisma. John Morrison could finally get a great push and become a WWE Champion. John Morrison could fued with The Miz and it could help them improve to become main eventers. Or he could make a tag team with The Miz again.

Drew McIntyre; He could keep defending the Intercontinetal Championship and keep getting better and better. Drew McIntyre vs. Triple H sounds nice doesn't it.

Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler is very underrated and could become an Intercontinetal Champion on RAW and defeat his opponents with his headlock.

R-Truth: He could hype up the crowd on RAW and could fued with MVP or Mark Henry.

Randy Orton: Orton could have new fresh fueds on SmackDown.
Randy Orton vs. Edge
Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho
Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger
Also Orton is going against Swagger at Extreme Rules for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Sheamus: Sheamus should come on SmackDown and just dominate the entire brand and become New World Heavyweight Champion. Sheamus could fued with Edge and Kane.

Christian: Christian could finally get a push and become a World Champion. He could have fueds with Matt Hardy, Edge and Chris Jericho or just form Edge and Christian Tag Team Again.

The Big Show: The Big Show could leave The Miz and bring United States Championship to SmackDown and could dominant and be in the main event scene again. The Big Show could fued with Kane or form a Tag Team with Kane again.

Ted DiBiase: Ted could become a Top Mid-Carder and defend his Million Dollar Championship and could possibly recieve and push and see if he is really that good/talented.

Kofi Kingston: Kofi needs to SmackDown to face some great mid carders like Shelton Benjamin, Hardy and face Edge and Jericho. Kofi could become an US Champion.

Carlito: Carlito said on RAW he wants to be drafted to SmackDown. Carlito is a talented superstar who really isn't being used right now. Carlito could become an US Champion again. Carlito is a good superstar who deserves a little push.

Vladimir Kozlov: Remember how he was dominant in 2008, he could be like that again and become an really top mid carder and be in some main events and dominant.
Sheamus vs. Kozlov sounds pretty good.

What Do You Think, Give Me Opinions
The Undertaker
CM Punk
Rey Mysterio
John Morrison
Dolph Ziggler

Randy Orton
The Big Show
Kofi Kingston
Ted DiBiase
Vladimir Kozlov
Drew McIntyre on RAW also.
The Undertaker
CM Punk
Rey Mysterio
John Morrison
Drew McIntyre
Dolph Ziggler