Writing a blog/What topics interest you the most?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
I am starting a blog but i wanted to focus on one particular topic for my blogs like a theme. I would like to get some feed back from you to get an idea what topics people are most interested in.
If you focus your energies on writing only what interests others you will burn out real fast. Most bloggers give up after 3-6 months because they have no readers and very little traffic. The ones who truly love blogging and writing do so for themselves and don't care if they have 50 views in a day or 500.

Write what YOU want to write about, not what you think others might be interested in. I follow a wide range of blogs covering everything from every day life, fitness, weight loss, food, travel, photography and much more. All of these blogs are written by talented people who share what they've experienced and what they enjoy but none of them writes just to get traffic and readers. They do it because they love it, not to get attention.
It doesn't matter what we want to read. Most blogs have almost no readers, at least to start with, so you'll be talking to yourself most of the time. What are you interested in? What do you care about? What excites you or makes you angry? What do you wish more people were interested in? Write about that.
I've had a blog for about 3 years now. The best loved posts are the one's I've written that come from who I am. People don't care for proselytizing. The posts where I'm real are the most well received. Recently I read this: Don't write what you know, write what you feel. Take that into account for your blog.
And it took me about a year and a half before I really found my voice with my blog. I posted every day at first, then once or twice a week. Now it's every Monday. Be prepared to change things and fumble around a bit to be able to find out what works.
Good luck.

link to my blog is on my profile