Wow... did you guys see this?!?!

yea can someone explain what this is before i watch it...ive seen it around isnt it about god or something?
It's another conspiracy movie about the government killing its people, dealing with terrorists, littering, etc...
Essentially, it's the other side of an argument that shouldn't even be an argument. The message of the movie is to open up the eyes of people who devour everything they see or hear through the mass media as the absolute truth. The same approach should be taken when watching this. It's full of conspiracy and people responsible, but it also is a complete rant, and little more. Entertaining, yes, but the truth? Definitely not.

Part 1 I loved, but again, did not take as absolute truth. Part 2 was just a slightly more in-depth argument taking the 'Loose Change' approach to 9/11. Part 3 is a hit or miss with me. It left me wondering and curious as to what will happen in the next several years. I found it interesting.

Like any political/religious documentary, it chooses its sources and quotes very carefully, never looking to contradict itself. It makes for some convoluted bullshit they brand as truth. It offers arguments that can't ever really be proven or discredited. It certainly doesn't rest in the grey area in any matter it tackles. It comes across as a white or black, yes or no, position.

The part of Zeitgeist I loved is the irony of them telling me not to believe everything I see on tv, via the tv (alright, online movie but fuck it if I defend the point). I've never really liked the political side of the media because I've seen enough 24 and West Wing to know that it's pretty obvious that there is shit happening 'behind the curtain'.

I enjoyed it, but did so as I enjoyed The Da Vinci Code: I took it with a grain of salt and mentally labeled it fiction until I do my own research, were I so inclined. That is why I want other people to watch it. Not to devour it as a truth that opposes the media or religious jargon, but to help open their own minds to certain possibilities. Sure, shit like this will never be proved true or false, but it may help people determine where the stand on certain matters.

This is coming from a non-religious, non-conformist kind of person.
Good points CitizenX.
I'd love to anyone else's views if you guys aren't too set in your ways to consider it. :)
Wow, what is this, like the 80th time this has been posted? (counting the video forum, and probably the movies forum)
I think citizen x pretty much covered everything I would have said... minus some cheesy comments here and there.