Would you recommend a PS3 or XBOX360 for a more casual girl gamer?


New member
Mar 11, 2011
I do like hardcore titles, but I'm more of a casual gamer and already have a wii so...which console?
I'm a fan of Rune Factory, Harvest Moon, Sonic, Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, etc if that helps at all..
Through this business transaction, I get my choice of a free xbox or ps3, I would just stick with my wii if I had to pay the money :)
I would reccomend a ps3. The online multiplayer is free, the games are more cinematic (uncharted, etc), and tbh the people you play with online are a lot easier to get along with. Xbox live is infamous for being loaded with foul-mouthed fanboys. Being a girl, you'll receive a lot more tolerance in the Playstation Network.
That, and ps3 is the same price as xbox, and they last longer, and have a blue ray player built into them!

Uncharted, Assassins Creed, Little Big Planet, Modnation Racers are some games you'll probably enjoy

Better value too and it has better graphics
O-O You like a lot of platforms games. Idk I would suggest the PS3 cus I myself own one but honestly you should just stick with your wii. Now if you had say that you enjoy games like Call of Duty, Assassin Creed or Dead Island, any RPG or FPS get the PS3. But because you enjoy those kind of game, an investment in either the PS3 or the XBOX would be a waste of money.