Would you let a 16 year old about to be 17 go on vacation alone with her friends?


May 13, 2008
I am 16 turning 17 in a few weeks and this summer I would like to go on vacation with my friends out of state and my parents don't think it is a good Idea. Would you let you 17 year old go on vacation alone, if so please tell me why so I can tell my parents. If you believe I shouldnt go please tell me why.
Oh did I say that it is all girls going.
Thanks for your help!:)

Also I don't drink, smoke, do drugs.

The trip would be to new York city I live in Texas.
For a week or so.
One girl would be 18
One girls cousin in NYC and my mom knows a guy from there.
My parents have know these girls for a little while and I believe they trust them. There would be about 5 of us.
And 3 of us have been to NYC before.
But we want to stay in a hotel alone and do everything alone.
But there will always be someone else there in case something goes wrong
Depends how old is the oldest person their? Is it all 17 or around 17? If yes then no I would not. If it was a friend and their parent or parents then yes I would.

No way, not ever. No adults and new york city? No, no way. Plus most hotels don't rent to anyone under 21.
It would depend on the individual kid, the kids that are going with him/her, where they are going, who is driving (or are they flying) etc.

Starting at the top-the individual kid-are you a good responsible person who is worthy of trust? Do you get at least all A's and B's? Do you do what you need to do without being told? Have I ever caught you breaking any rules when I'm not home? Have you gone to any parties/to hang out with friends when I told you not to? Do you usually tell the truth even if you think you will get in trouble? How do you handle peer pressure? Do I see you as someone that will do or don't do whatever I would expect? Or are you easily swayed to join the crowd? Basically have you EARNED the right to be trusted on such a trip?

Next, how about the kids you are going with? Do I know all or most of them? How do I feel about them? Are they a good influence on you? Do you act different in a negative way around any of them? How many people are going? (you and one other person doesn't seem like enough unless the 2 of you are increadibly trust worthy and street smart, 3-5 total would be ideal in my mind, and more than that would be a negative as that many would make risk taking more likely in my mind-you can just be a face in the crowd then).

Where exactly are you going? Are you going to a fairly secluded place? Or will you be around a lot of people most of the day? How far away is it? Is it across the state border that is an hr away, or are you going to the other side of the country? Are you going to a beach? Something like the Hershey Chocolate Factory? Some other type of amusement park? Like going to Cedar Point, Pidgeon Forge or Universal, something where you are actually more looking to ride some rides or something that is also in a fairly well populated area, it's a plus. If it's a beach where I know your primary focus will be on meeting new guys and trying to find some alone time with them, or a beach known for partying, it would significantly lower your chances of going.

How are you getting there? Is this going to be a 4+ hr trip being driven by another 17 year old? Almost certainly you would not be going. Is it only 2 hrs away and you will be driving in shifts? More likely, but still not going to be 100% convinced. Does someone have a 22+ yr old sister who is going to be driving for a few hrs? That sounds better. Or even better are you flying where no young kids will be driving you around? That would be even better.

Also, are you asking me for money? Or, since you are taking an adult trip, are you doing the adult thing and funding your trip yourself? It wouldn't come across as very mature if my kid wanted to go on a trip without a chaperone and have some adult privileges and then asked for money from me to make it happen. If you had a large chunk of money saved that seemed reasonable to pay for most of what you would need for the trip, but wanted a little extra to play safe and are going to pay it back when you come back from the vacation, then that sounds like an adult thing-you have the money, but you want to play safe in case an emergency arose.

It really boils down to the individual circumstances. If you haven't earned my trust, then it's absolutely not. If I feel you have earned the trust necessary to take such a big step so young, and most to all of my above ideals are met, then I would probably let you go. If I trust you, and few to none of my ideals are met, then it would probably still be no, but I would maybe try to find something else to make it up to you.
Most Likely no.
The reason being, she could do irresponsible things. Plus, it also depends on where they'd be vacationing to.

Just look at poor Natalie Halloway...
NO NO No so much is going on in the out side world and young girls being alone is a very bad thing.I am on your parents side.Think about it for awhile and think about the dangers that could be involved.
Not unless one of the friend's had parents going. Theres no way I'd let a bunch of teenagers go on vacation, out of the state, together. I don't think I'd even let them go on vacation IN the state alone. I was 17 once, and I know exactly what I would have done if I was on an unsupervised vacation.

ETA: I never drank, did drugs, or smoked in high school. I made great grades, and never gave my parents any reasons not to trust me. I'm pretty sure if I was in another state, on my own though, I'd probably drink, party, and hook up with a bunch of guys. Just because I had the chance to, and I would be far away so my parents wouldn't know. As much as I would say I'd stay out of trouble, I would have found some anyways. It just happens