Would you considert his smooth (with respect to greeting girls)?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I am a 23 year old guy and I attend church every week.

At church, there is this girl who is roughly the same age as me. She always attends church with
her mom and they always sit directly behind me.

I have never spoken with this girl, but I have always had a crush on her because she seems really

This past weekend, I finally mustered up the courage to speak to her. I saw that she was attending mass by herself (without her mom), so I smiled and said to her "There are usually two of you!" She smiled, and nodded her head (she seemed kind of shy).

This upcoming weekend, I’m assuming her mom will be there, so I’m going to smile and say either one of two things:

A)“You’ve got everyone with you this week huh?”


B)”Did you have a good Thanksgiving?”

Which should I say? If I said option B, would that be coming on too strong seeing how I’ve literally said six words to her so far? I need help!