Would u still read a manga if u knew that it already has an anime?


New member
Oct 2, 2011
if a manga already has an anime and the anime followed the manga till the end (like death note and other anime that did not stop at the middle and the manga is still ongoing) would u still read the manga?? or u would watch the anime?

and thanks
Of course. I love anime, but the adaptations are far from perfect... and one the biggest things that get messed up are the endings. The manga always has the good ending, so I love reading the manga.
i watch the anime, then halfway i start the manga. since i have trouble reading manga if i dont already understand the plot.
sure do... the bottom line if the anime is good enough, then I'll going for the manga to see if its as good as its counterpart
It depends. If its action, then I would probably watch the anime.
But if its shoujo/romance, then I would read the manga.
I don't read action mangas because they're not as exciting in my opinion.
If I knew the anime was well done overall, closely followed the manga for the most part, and adapted the entire thing, then honestly, I would probably just watch the anime. I generally prefer anime over manga if they're both covering the same material. I'll usually only read the manga if I know an anime I loved left things out, changed a lot of things, or didn't cover until the end of the manga.