Would this topic of a short story interest you?


New member
Feb 27, 2013
It's about racism against those of Middle Eastern decent as well as prejudice against interracial couples.

Vanessa is a small town average american girl who is instantly drawn to Raphael, the new boy in town from Saudi Arabia. He's nice and funny and smart but also exotic and interesting. When she tells her father about him and brings him over to work on homework her father flips, he bans Raphael from his house and starts making racial slurs against him, especially when, weeks later, Vanessa tells him they've started dating. Eventually Raphael has to stand up to him, for himself and for Vanessa.

What do you think? Would this interest you?
Actually the dating is never secret, she's completely open with it.
It's also more than just the dad, I suppose I should've said that: it's also about the racial hate he receives in their "small town USA" setting and the fire they get for being interracial.
And with the dad, it's not that he's being overprotective (he tried to fix her up with a "nice young man" who only wanted her to get to second base just for appearances sake) he's just being bigoted.

Also I care because while still writing this, I wanted to know if it would ever pick up steam. It's a topic I feel strongly about and I want people to take a message from it about acceptance and, if you don't like something, keep your mouth shut about it.
Who cares if it would interest us, Elizabeth? Write it anyway. Because it's through writing that you get better and you find your own voice. Happy writing!

There isn't really much here that's different or riveting.

It sounds a great deal like the typical scenario where overprotective daddy hates the new boyfriend so the pair date secretly until things come to a head. This one is for racial reasons, but that's not terribly uncommon, either.

It needs something more.

~Dr. B.~