Would Tai Chi and Muay Thai work?


New member
Dec 12, 2009
I ma starting to train in Muay Thai but was wondering if i could do anything along side this to relax and maintain balance etc when i am away from the gym. Would Tai Chi work in conjunction or are they too different?
If it wouldnt woork do you know of anything would be benificial to my Muay Thai?

With Tai Chi/Muay Thai, you could learn to break someone's bones in slow motion! (just kidding).

Seriously, any form of self-reflection, meditation that involves a lot of stretching such as Tai Chi, Yoga, etc is beneficial to any martial arts training as it adds balance and increases flexibility.
Learning Muay Thai along with Qigong would be very beneficial. Im not sure if learning Muay Thai along with Taijiquan would work out well especially if u learn Taijiquan as a MA because learning Internal and External MAs might be counterproductive. It cant hurt to try.
Im from Boston so i have no idea about Briton but if u live any where near Manchester u should look up Master Wang Haijun. Hes a great Taijiquan Master that has understanding of the art in its highest levels. He is also my Sifus Sifu.
tai chi is totally brilliant.i started it last 2 weeks and now i can run 3km non stop.just feel so energetic