Would love some opinions/advice on what do do with my complex OTTB please.?


New member
Nov 24, 2011
okay im going to try and give out FULL details on the issue and the horse..
basic info.
the horse will be 6 in april She has been at the barn for a full year, she came from the kentucky equine humane society. she has been raced more than once and has won a few races.
She is a known biter and kicker- she also gets WORSE yes worse when you correct her.
yet she is a changed horse with a lead rope attached to her, and shes better with a saddle on her.
She is a one person horse and that is it. I am her one person. (she is a-lot better though from a year ago).
but here is what is going on recently.
we discovered she has ulcers and started to give her aleovera juice to soothe her stomach. She gets nervous that she grinds her teeth a lot. we dont have to get her floated she does it for us. They changed their feed from just reg sweet feed to a mixture of
beet pulp, rice bran, safechoice, alfalfa pellets, and diatamichious earth- my mare gets 2 scoops of that twice a day plus a scoop of sr feed. ( they are going to change it to something called wellsolve soon.
last week she coliced real bad. yesterday she was not colicing but her ulcers bothered her a lot. The owner gave her a shot of bantamine to just make her feel better..... I stayed at the barn last night and checked on her this morning... text the owner and let her know she had gut sounds ate her hay and drank her water but she still looked the same. I had the stablehand check on her as well... and I came by between jobs and she was fine.
she went and got her 3 things of gastrogard. I wonder if thats enough to knock it out? Should I get her a supplement like Smart Gut? and use that for a month or so after the GastroGard? I cant really change what they feed her.

The guy who is feeding her is only giving her a little bit now just while her stomach is healing... it would be nice I think to give her snaller meals during the day.

I do not OWN her, I lease her from some one... So I can only do so much. but please all opinions are welcome... and just a fact- If it was not for ME this horse would be dead.

she is also about 100 pounds underweight b/c of all of the above.

Sorry for the long post just wanted to make sure I have all the details down.