woul do ever meet up wth one of your contacts?

have met up with two contacts so far, and are now good friends, hoping to meet two more in july
Sure, they all seem cool. Plus men have less to worry about when meeting someone.
If your talkin' about like as in a date-lookin'-for-some or possible romance ... no. This is the internet. Talkin' 'bout lookin' for love in all the wrong places, this has to be one of the wrongest. Knew a fellow that gave up his family and country to hook up with his P&S sweetheart, married her and 6 months later all hell broke loose. But if there was no desire to hook up in that way on both sides ... yeah ... there are some I'd like to meet face to face, see how accurate my perception of them is and to shoot the shit in real. Get to know them as a person instead of an avatar.
A while ago I would have said never but I have 4 really great close contacts, and I hope to meet to of them soon when I get back x
I would consider it, but not for relationship or anything just to hang out.