Worst thing your parents have asked you?

mom: luke wat is this stuff on your sheets?
me: (noticing its white,realizing i forgot to clean up) i dunno
mom: are these booger marks luke?!
me: mom im not 8 anymore! wtf? (realizing thats my lie out of this)
mom: then what is it?
me: you know wut, chances are it is boogers oh well sorry.
mom: (as im walking away) dammit luke we have tissues for that!

i do use tissues! just not for cleaning boogers.
i avoid all awkward situations.
actually, i got a semi-decent one.
mom: it appears she might be dropping e
me: oh really? why do you say that?
mom: oh, on her myspace it had something to do with the word T-H-I-Z-Z. Do you know what that is?
me: *loling all over the place*
"So how was your Saturday?"
"Uhh, it was alright, just had a good time with some friends."
"Want to tell me anything?"
"*sigh* Well, we went to a party."
"Anything else?"
"They were serving questionable beverages, father."
"Fuck any girls?"
"Maybe. I dunno, dad."
lol @ sisters a slut.... because I am not suprised haha

We are really different people and stay away, thus I could care less when she gets gang banged haha.

Doesn't anybody remember my Sleep over thread about a year ago?



She wanted her "party" at Six Flags and only like 3 ppl can go or something, so I fear there won't be a sleep over thread this year :(
Dad: Isn't that the girl you were going to ask out?
Me: Yeah
Dad: Well, what happened, she's going out with that other guy now, right?
Me: Yeah.. She's pretty much a whore. Thank god i didn't.
Dad: Yeah, i think she changes partners more than sqaure dancers..
Me: Lol.

Edit: So reflecting back it wasn't bad, but further inquires considering girls i more or less keep specifically to myself. After that conversation, it was a long drive home.
Hahahahahahaha. You just lost all of my respect again. That was a HILARIOUS thread.