Worst thing you have done to someone.

i made fun of someone so bad in elementary/middle/high school she ended up killing herself.

of course, others participated as well, but i was the first one to make fun of her in second grade, and it continued to the day we graduated. after graduation she killed herself.

gangs are so stupid, to me a gang is a bunch of losers with low self a steam and don't know how to stick up for them selfs so they join up with a bunch of other losers, and they have to use violence and weapons to scare people into making fun of them because they don,t know how to act in a situation like that other then using violence, honestly i wish i could kick every kid who thinks there in a gang in the nuts
What he did was on purpose and was used to communicate a particular sound. Your mistake was just stupid.
I used to punch this kid straight in the head when i was in the first grade. I even flipped him over with 1 hand. I feel bad now even though it was like 9 years ago.
I'm not that mean, so i dont have any great stories but there was the time i knocked over an old lady with a shopping cart. Also when i was a kid this one kid offered me some cake so i called him fat and ran away. I also told this fat girl who was bragging about taking jello shots that she should be taking salad shots instead.
omg i hate posting here, it's just full of people that have nothing better to do then to point out other peoples mistakes and to cut as many people down as possible