Worst thing you have done to someone.

well you guys will probably flame this but... My girl and I broke up and i was actually suicidal for the first time in my life. Tell me to drink bleach or whatever but i really was and it was scary as hell. And I called her for help, and i think that really just made things a whole lot worse becausen now i feel like i lost the girl of my dreams and my best friend in the entire world.
well, when I was 13 I was at a party with my friends and there was one kid I didn't really like... The entire night everyone had been doing all sorts of stuff to each other (throwing hard objects, writing on faces with sharpie)... so there was one kid that I didn't really like and he fell asleep and I went and took a crap upstairs... then I got a q-tip and rubbed it in my poo, I then went downstairs and while he was sleeping shoved it in his nose and rubbed 'er around... He was really confused about why it smelled like poo all day....

I also pooped in a bag and then put the bag o' poo in my friends hopper... that was last year. he didn't find it until 2 weeks later and his entire room stank of rotting terds...

oooh, and a friend of mine and I, about half a year ago cut some pubes off and thinly sliced a piece of chicken wing pizza where the cheese meets the crust and shoved 'em in... While he was almost finished eating it we were like: " Mike, you know what would be really bad: if oneof us were to put our pubes in something before they were eating it...." He was like " You ****ers!"...

Then to Mike again, me and the same friend jizzed in his favorite cereal... I went first.. so it was NOT at the same time... we told him 2 weeks later and he told us that his mom ate the rest of that cereal.... needless to say there was lots of laughter... not from mike though... I think that is about it for now...

Nope actually I also wiped his deodorant in my butt crack too... haha, when I think of more I will post... teehee
I think maybe I need to see a doctor... I was not high or drunk when that happened either... since i don't do either of that. And it is all true.... I can have empire2118 or pbrogue823 vouche(spelling?) for me...

See people like to pick on me... i am pretty darn popular so I don't know why... but I never defend myself, I just let them hit me and say stuff... I think that is how i release my anger.... And i just say " you do NOT want to mess with me..." actually most of that was my other friend's ideas.. I just followed through...

Now that i think about it: they were all my friend Ryan's ideas... except for when I was 13 because i didn't live here then... uh, so does that make me less ****ed up?
Yea you're just passive agressive. Just the jizz and the pubes stuff, and shit in the nose, that's pretty fucked up though...
the jizzn'pubes were my friends ideas... I would not do something like that alone, just for the hell of it... he was like: " hey lets go do this to mike..." and I was like:"dude that is pretty ****ed up... aw, screw it, lets go"... so my initial reaction was the same as yours... as for the poo in the nose... I just didn't like the kid... we sort of got into a fight because I called him fat and i put him in a headlock and started to whip him around and I collapsed because he had like 60 lbs. on me... so i got him back... i guess...
Yea its just as you get older stuff like that isn't funny anymore. I quit going to parties because twice I almost killed somebody, first time it was funny, the kid passed out and we put him on a pool float and pushed him out on a lake that was in the back yard, he could have rolled over and drowned...and the second time, I would have beat this kid to a pulp if there wasn't 4 guys to pull me off of him.
yeah, I know what you mean... i just haven't done anything that could have killed someone.... I have been good lately...

The pube time was frustrating for me. There were like 6 kids at my friends house and they wanted to play " lets chuck hard objects across the room" and i wanted to sleep. So I am hiding in the corner of the room with a matress on top of me and they decided they wanted me to play, so they took the matress off of me and started whipping **** at me. So i left and took a 2 hour power nap. by that time it was about 3 so I went back in while they were sleeping and in a very creepy voice said" hey, girls!" so they locked the door because I kept bugging them while they were trying to sleep... just like they did to me...Tehn they were like "oh we know where the key is: in your sister!!"... that crossed the line for me, so I kept trying to get in and go into moshpit mode and destroy everything i could... but I ended up just throwing pods and shoes at them at point blank range... I kept on picking the lock until they found a way to break the lock so it could not be picked any more... so, in fear of them doing something to me, I went outside and slept on a trailer and then in my friends car. I woke up at like 6am and felt really sick... I got out of his car and diarrhea'd all over next to his car.... then I went inside and pooped in the toilet... then called my dad to come get me. So i was not too happy with them... but i forgive quickly...
I feel horrible for this... Just horrible... This is the first time I have told any one, But I have to get it off of my chest. I cant sleep at night because of this. I...I...I took 2 candies while trick or treating when the sign said get only 1.... I hope none of you think less of me.