World War 3

Is 'Isreal' a real country? It sounds unreal to me.

So who will these countries be? Let's be specific here, because lot's of people seem to be convinced that WWIII is inevitable, but none of them seem to have a very clear idea of who will be involved, which sugests that they haven't got an idea of what will bring it about.

At least you seem to have a definate idea, so perhaps you'd care to expand upon it?
I'd probably wager a $20 note that says the US, UK, France, and Russia take on Austria, Germany, Italy, Vichy France, Hungary and Finland.

Maybe Prussia will make an encore appearance?
nah, that one got done between '39 and '45

it's an unwritten rule that each succesive world war should at least be original, otherwise, what's the point?

i think it will be between canada, belgium and australia on the one side, with china, switzerland and new zealand on the other.

the rest of the world will be sending in journalists, film-crews and bookmakers and the most positive outcome will be the demise of soap-opera's, bland reality TV and innane gameshows as the primary form of entertainment for the growing population of human-sheep who do little more than turn-on, tune-in and stand in line.
Actually why can't it be China VS the world? I mean China could afford to lose 100 million soldier on the battlefield.. but the question is.. Can anyone else?
If China could then so could India, I suppose.

The USA probably could too, provided they could handpick which 100 million to lose.
Isreal? Guess I'm feeling country-fied this morning.

Well as others have stated previously, there will be obvious Islamic nations against US and Israel. But the rest could be some real surprises: China, Europe, South America? I will certainly not venture a guess on them. Actually, though, if I did have to venture a guess on China, it would be that they sit back let everyone else destroy themselves and emerge as the uncontestable superpower capable of dominating the world single handedly. I guess it depends on events that occur before the official title of "World War III" is proclaimed by the majority around the world.
I dont think there ever will be a 'total war' like WW2. There cant be. There are too many racial and multinational nations for everyone to pull together under 'universalism' like in the uk in ww2. Can you imagine all the muslims in the UK surrendering their rights to the Government for a british war effort? i cant. It would cause a civil war within a world war. If that makes sense
So what about the Muslims in the armed forces? Or all the Muslims who fought in the British armed forces in the last two World Wars? What makes you think that WWIII would be any different - the cause of it perhaps?

Besides, Muslims are a tiny minority in the UK. Even if they acted as one concerted pressure group (which is extremely unlikely) they could hardly change UK government policy.
Yes but the fact that they would be excused from general duties asked of them by the government, because they refuse due to 'morals', be it religion or whatever else they come up with, will cause alot of upset to the rest of the country. Im not saying all muslims.

What im saying is if there was a world war, then there would be major problems internally in the UK, and it wouldnt be a total war like in the 40's. We are far too multinational for everyone to pull together in the extent of the 40's. There are too many divisions and anti-nationalists living here.

All this depends on whos fighting who and what for of course!
You could say the same about the UK in 1914. We were a lot less 'united' then:

- Ireland on the brink of civil war over Home Rule
- growing agitation for Home Rule in India
- the women's suffrage movement
- industrial unrest

There were conscientious objectors in 1914, and again in 1939, but they were reallly very few in number. Even if every Muslim in the UK refused to join up, it would hardly effect our ability to go to war.

Besides, modern warfare is a lot less labour-intensive and a lot more 'high-tec'. It's more the preserve of specialists and technicians than of huge armies of conscript troops.
I hate to so negative, but maybe we shouldn't rule out the possibility of civil war within a world war. Don't know how divided UK is, but past two presidential elections in US have been deeply (not civil war deeply) divisive and 2008 will surely be as bad if not worse. The fact that it would be more difficult to pull together makes war more probable in that the Islamic states see the division as a weakness that they can take advantage of. The war in Iraq is proof: I can't help but think if Americans were and always had been united in agreement on the war that it would be going much better.
Dun think countries such as Australia and Canada would be involve in the War . Reason : Too few Men Power . On the other hand China can seriously afford to lose 100 million soldiers just like someone else b4 me said so that mean china can afford to be in the world war , along with India . But then I hope that people would not look upon all chinese or east asian as badly as they look upon the Muslim assuming we are all bad or something .

I rather surrender than seeing the entire world destroying themselves or anyway if they are going to go to war , they should stop using nuclear weapon .
Ahh yes, EMP's.

If a big one went off it would pretty much send the world, or a big section of it, back a good few hundred years.
The US are developing them I believe. A normal EMP bomb just emits a very powerful EMP shockwave which can knock out all electrical items within hundreds of miles, even destroy sensitive circuits.

There is also another type called the graphite bomb. This explodes at high altitude releasing billions of ultra fine Carbon fibers which get into every electrical system and short circuit everything. They have been used once or twice before.
here is a basic run-down of how non-nuclear EMP devices would work

and here's a working device that some bright sparks have thrown together to prove the theory, with a list of the electronic devices they've succesfully trashed so far and a specifications page (which is as good as useless 'cos they've 'classified' all the important numbers, but if you get the principles involved, it could be a good project for sunday afternoons as you develop one of your own )

edit: check out the video, these guys are serious
I voted yes. there is a a fine invisible line between peace and war. nowadays anyway.. Im not going to try to go into politics because quite frankly i hate them. all i know is that when it comes it will come hard. any time i think of war i think about those videos of a U.S. soldier on his knees crying out for Jesus as the enemy saws into his throat with a knife. that is what makes me want to join the military. those terrorists are animals and we should send them to the slaughter house. oh dear i sound a bit like a religious radical.. but thats not it at all. i do belive in any eye for an eye though. old testament or not..God is a God that doesn't change (or so i've read) and Im sure he would feel the same way.
how ironic, not only do they want to kill us for the same reasons, they derive their justification from the same place, forgive me for not wanting you in my squad.
ya i saw that EMP weapon stuff on tv ..pretty crazy... they were saying that one blast that shuts of the stock martket can instantly wipe out trillions of dollars...that wouldnt really matter because money would be of almost no value....
yes it would send us a few hundred years back...all the way to AMISH PARADISE

for those you havent seen this lol enjoy