world of warcraft , please dont play it EVER!

WoW snowballs, that's why people get addicted. It's not one of those games that you can put down and go back to and still be good / competetive at, unless you inject more time. Basically the good element is measured by gear which takes alot of time to get as gear is required to compete. Being a good player is determined ultimately, by time spent on the game. If you put in enough time you will be good just on your gear. The good gear is needed to go the next step and be competetive and make a name for yourself (if you're so inclined) and be recognised.

This mixed with actually having skill at the game can spiral into addiction to the game. Thinking on it, the only reason I managed to get out of it was a college trip to Europe for a few weeks which (if I'd chosen to keep playing) would have set me back dramatically... to get those weeks back in game time would have required an increase on what I was already doing... and that coupled with a wake up call from the trip got me away from it.

It's of course easy not to be addicted... if you're not that into gaming competetively then you can walk away from it. But I've always played internet games since I was about 10 (when online gaming really was in its infancy) so it's something I've always done and always been very very good at.

Anyone with experience agree a bit?

EDIT: Sorry for the edits I'm really hungover and blurry minded today. I also have a funny feeling nobody is reading my posts.. but hey !
I never got past the 10 day trial.

I kept being raped by this level 5 owl so i gave up on it after 20 mins.

And this is coming from someone who loves games, but dear god, sounds like its a good job i didn't get into it.
Probably 'cos Mario Kart sucks :p:

I suppose it can wreck social lives because the 'maasively-multiplayer' dimension means you often need to form groups to complete some of the most challenging aspects of the game - players form groups called 'guilds' where you help each other out with quests and so on, so there's an online social dimension to it (basically a more elaborate version of having friends around to play mario kart). Unfortunately, the most challenging/rewarding (rewarding in the sense that the level system means that you progress to better weapons, which are often rewards for completing quests) parts of the game can take some time to complete (usually upwards of a couple of hours).

This doesn't make addiction to WoW OK by any means - but sometimes the only way to do the harder quests is to arrange a time with a group of people to do them, the ones who lose their 'offline' social life are the ones who make too many arrangements, which then leads to addiction. WoW is fun, but having a proper social life is much more fun, lol.
You intentionally broke a PS3?! Why didn't you just ask someone to hold it for you and not give it back until after exams? :confused:
Not going to lie, I was addicted to that, used to play like 3hours a day everyday and sometimes like 8 on weekends. Don't touch this game if you have exams, etc. If you have a gap year with nothing to do for ages it SHOULD be ok...
I played it for about a week and then stopped. Looking back, I don't think it was a particularly good game, the graphics weren't very polished and the landscapes were run-of-the-mill compared to other fantasy games. And any male character, no matter what class, has the appearance of a lumbering oath. The only saving grace is the benefit of interaction with real people, otherwise it wouldn't have taken off. That said, for the time I did play it I couldn't put it down so it was strangely addictive despite all the shortcomings I was exposed to. Of course then I got Oblivion for the 360, and it blows Warcraft out of the water in my opinion.
Oh, I was only smiling so I could remind myself what fantastic decisions I made in my life when I was 16, and how I've basically had to do an extra year of university because of WoW :yep:

*smiles more*
Tsk, ****. I've just stopped playing this a few weeks back. Was approaching the 100-days-played mark which is a pretty huge amount. I'd accomplished almost everything i wanted in the game. Used to raid until just before ToC. Cleared nearly everything, including "Of the Nightfall" back before Ulduar/Zerg-tactic. Had 2465 rating in 3's also, but team disbanded due to one of em going on a 10 week holiday (tiny population server, few good players) and thus didnt get Gladiator. However, it's 100 days of my life that i could have done so much more stuff with. No to mention the effect it had on my social life, christ :D

Also, i think anyone who isnt "addicted" in some sense probably wasnt much of a good player. Without sounding harsh, it takes alot of effort to max out your gear, and ofcourse, skill.