Word-press Shows as a file structure.. Apache2 php5 mysql all this stuff but i am...


New member
Sep 4, 2010
...a complete newbie... HELP!? to run Word-Press, help : when i put the word press contents in my directory and when i go to it via a browser it shows as a file structure? Hmmm! but if i type up a html script and put it in a folder called index.html it Works fine no file structure... my question is how to make word-press show up as you put in my url...
Try asking for http://yoursite/index.php ...

If that displays wordpress for you, then you need to configure your web browser to make that the default page.

In Apache you use the DirectoryIndex configuration file directive for this. You want to set up the server to use index.php exactly the way it uses index.html ... as the page to use when a user requests just a directory. Because when a user requests http://yoursite , that's what she's doing.


IIS has some similar
Here is some options to Prevent directory listing in wordpress.
