Womens opinions please. Would this be an acceptable way to start a...


New member
Mar 5, 2011
...conversation with someone I'm interested in? I met the most amazing girl a few months back. She has the perfect personality in addition to being smart and completely beautiful. I'd like nothing more than to get to know her and spend time with her, but the thing is that we don't talk much. As far as I know, she's single, and I truly don't want to keep wondering. I've been thinking of a way I could start a conversation, and all I could come up with is asking a question I already know the answer to.

I found out that one of my good friends who has the same last name is her cousin, so I'm going to ask her something along the line of:

"Hey, ______, do you have a second? I have a quick question, if you wouldn't mind."

Knowing her level of respect, she'd reply: "Sure, what is it?"

I'd ask: "Are you by any chance related to my friend _______? I noticed you two had the same last name, so I'm just curious."

And then just carry on from there...

Ladies, here's where you come in: Would you think that I was a weirdo for asking you that? If not, what would you think of me taking an interest? Would you feel more comfortable around me? If this isn't any good, what ARE some good ways to start a conversation? Is this crossing any personal boundaries? Remember, we've never really had extended conversation. We're both 17, and see each other everyday. Please give some advice, and thanks a lot.