With my martial arts history, what would be good for me to practice in?


New member
Apr 8, 2009
I have long wanted to participate in some form of martial arts, but I am trying to narrow down my interests and pick an art style that is right for me.

I have had previous experience in fencing, Tai Chi, and Bujinkan. I do not necessarily want to study a fully offensive style, but I'm open to that - it could be fun!

I also have interest in Japan and Japanese culture, and have previously lived in Japan, so it could also be of interest to me to try other Japanese fighting styles.

With these things in mind, does anyone have any suggestions of fighting styles that might fit me well?
dont ask! friend of mine kicked me in the balls while i wanted to learn kung-fu never again will i get into martial arts its bad you can get charged for assualt then your off to jail get into something else
try to check many different martial arts schools styles and then decide , also concern on the way how the instructor does teach , and that is fine sometimes u can do few from each
try to check many different martial arts schools styles and then decide , also concern on the way how the instructor does teach , and that is fine sometimes u can do few from each
You say " do not necessarily want to study a fully offensive style" and "I also have interest in Japan and Japanese culture, and have previously lived in Japan "

I would say Aikido is the obvious choice for you.
I agree with Shihan J, the instructor is more important then the style. Try to find an experienced instructor whos teaching method that you like.
i prefer to look at instructor rather then a style.
a good instructor can make all the difference in the world, regardless of the style. a poor instructor will only hinder your training