With all the stupid false prophecy in bible, how is it you people still use...


Mar 24, 2008
...prophecy as argument for the god? Doesn't that hurt your cause more then help it?

Or is it that many of you simply haven't studied bible in depth? (I took bible classes for years, and am amazed anybody would use bible prophecy as any kind of religious argument.)
The bible does not contain any false prophecy.
The time line of history misrepresents, mistranslates the original tect largely since the tower of Babal, Babylon being a religious plural;ty and a state within a nation.
The false gods of baylonia were teaching instruments to reflect a histocal exempliofication of the bible, its teachings, recorded history apoointe to be written by prophets and chosen peole of God.
Theories of peophecy can be rightfully debated, coorected, reinterpreted to reflect truth, understanding of those not so stubborn to belive in Jesus Christ /Yahshua Messiah..
False prophecies are harmful and sinful when correction is not applied.
Bible prophecy in terms of compiled evidence of a command, direct order of God to the people of Israel were absolute rebellions that lead to even death, chastisemnets and losses that could not be recouped.
The holy spirit, our guide and hidden teacher will show us much that even bible colleges, universities cannot teach as powerfully, in the annointing the holy spirit will have at times.
So the private times we have with God can be the most learned and captivating to educate us, empower us, guide us and prove he is REAL.
Thus the Living God, is continually with us provided we do not grieve the holy spirit.
Some prophecies seem weak yet in a time line of evidence even simple prophecies are proven that the word of God is real, genuine and fully carries the integrety it is accaliamed of.
" These three bear record in heaven, the Father, the word and the holy ghost. These three being one."
On earth we have many more beliefs, dogmas to be decieved by.
Yet in our lives we gain the knowledge of sin , evil and choose holiness over unrighteousness mostly as we are afforded the freedom and liberty of the spirit of Christ abiding in us, when we do the right things.
i dont recall seing any false prophesies... and here is my reason for my faith...

leading evolutionists are abandoning gradulism, and darwin, and this is why.

now their are 2 types of evolution, micro, and macro. i definatley beleive in micro, micro evolution is the small changes between species, but with in the species wall, so you gotta be careful in your use of the general word of evolution. anyways, time for the fun to start.

macro evlolution, pretty much if your talking about the evolution of animals to man and all of that, is dog turned into the cat over many steps and a long period of time.(dont get mad at me for using these animals, if you would like to pick your own animals, please fill in the spaces. i use dogs and cats, because we all can understand them.)

the fossil record. their have literaly been millions of fossils discovered, and what i find interesting is that their has yet to be a transitional fossil found(the stages between the dog and the cat) 0 for any species. when darwin was theorizing, their were few fossils discovered, so he figured they would turn up in due time.

also, they say they can judge the age of a fossil by the layer it is in. their have been verticle trees going through many layers at once. what you are trying to tell me, is it took millions if not billions of years for those layers to form... and those trees didnt decay at all???

ok, lets turn to rock dating. rock dating is incredibly complex, but i will try to explain it in a short amount of time. carbon 14 for instance, has a half life(it looses 50% of its molecules every) of 5700 years. carbon 12 in a rock or whatever you are measuring doesnt change. so you can measure the amount of age, based on the difference in ratios of c12 to c14. c14 can only be acuratley measured to about 50000 years. EVERY SINGLE THING, EVER TESTED WITH CARBON DATING HAS HAD A MEASURABLE AMOUNT OF CARBON 14. meaning it is less then 50000 years. other dating methods work the same way. ironicaly, you could take a fossil into 3 different labs, and come up with 3 different ages, millions if not billions of years apart. if you use 5 different methods, same lab, same fossil, you will get billions of years different.

the big bang, was what, and explosion or whatever. if the big bang, before it expanded, was really their, then it would have been spinning. if it was spinning, then everything inside would be spinning same way when it finaly expanded. how come we have several planets in our solar system alone that spin backwards?

if you got questions, arguments, comments, or concerns feel free to send them to [email protected] if you want more like the stuff above. just ask, would be glad to help out.