will me having a religious quote tattooed affect my chances of being an alt model?

No, it won't.
First and foremost being "alternative" does not mean you must be an atheist/pagan/wiccan/satanist or anything of the like, so you need to get that stereotype out of your mind. I've seen a whole lot of alternative models with angel designs or crosses inked on their skin, which doesn't mean their christian either, they must know what does tattoos mean to themselves and that is also what you should aim for; something that has true meaning for YOU and nobody else. Now, I wouldn't choose such an obvious phrase if I were you, maybe I'd look for something a little bit more "meaningful" in itself, maybe a quote from the bible that doesn't necessarily have the word "god" on it, but that's just me, whatever makes you happy that's what you should truly aim for^^