Will bacteria grow in a petri dish full of sugar and underneath a heat lamp?


New member
Nov 20, 2008
Petri Dish + Sugar + Wampth = life?

Do they need water too?

How much? Should I put a few drops or so?
The air contains water vapour, so you should not need to add any more. You can add a few drops if you wish, however.

Petri dish + agar jelly + sugar + warmth = life. :)
No water needed. As long as your agar medium has some sort of nutrition in it, bacteria will grow. Make sure your solution is not too high in sugar otherwise it can inhibit growth.
your petri dish should have sort of agar in it and wouldn't need sugar. And of course you can easily get some bacteria in there just by taking a cotton swab and swabbing some place in your house or right outside (like toilet, your mouth, outside door handle) and then swabbing that on the agar in the dish.