Wichita Police.. They really are the coolest.

dude, there was a big ass motorcycle crash like 20 ft away from my house, over my dillions on rock (21st) at first i was "o shit snoller, lulz"
thats cool, im still debating if i should get a job this summer or not.
im good with photoshop, if you need help (which i doubt)
i either want to work at laser quest which is like 3 min away or sports authority,
u think 16 is too young for either of them?
ya but im turning 16 in june, i would mow lawns but my i got fired from my last 2 customers =[
dillions would be a last resort
Holy shit!

I got handcuffed in Wichita about five years ago for accidentally taking someone's phone at a gas station. I wasn't even drunk :(
Man dont knock on the cop.. he was being an alright guy.

Most cops are pretty cool as long as your not hurting yourself or anyone else.
Plus cops now and days know that kids will drink.. and giving them some advice when there caught is better then just shitting on their parade.

We had 2 cops do a shot with us one new years eve. They came to our party and told us just to calm it down (150=/+ people stronge) and we did but it was getting close to the ball drop and after nagging them for 10 minutes with stuff like "come on man.. you guys take so much shit.. celebrate another new year helping others.. it wont hurt you.. its not like were going to rat on you" so they left for a second and came back with no name tags and took a shot with us. Then left.
I've had cops let me go for quite a few things. :tup: to MOST Kansas cops.

Are the female cops out there as miserable and obnoxious as they are here?
Probably because you are hot...

But yeah, the female cops here are all... ALL butch.. and ALL scary as fuck.. except, 3 or 4
lol, for a few I'd believe that. For most of them, they're just good people. One of them let me go without anything after I got out of the car with a clove in my hand and admitted to being underage. He just kinda looked at me, then looked at the guy I was with, and back at me and said "well, you shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you." He just kinda knew it was one of those nights.

Lol same here. They're all just so angry...
I got pulled over once in my camaro and got the whole "you drive car that sounds damn fast, dont be stupid" talk.. it was great.
Eh, I've had friends that get their parents called. It was a night that if my parents were called, I would be FUCKED, so I was more than grateful.

lol, yeah, a lot of my friends modify their cars, so of course they don't follow all the rules. We've done burnouts in front of cops and things like that, and the guys don't care or they pull us over to tell us nice burnout, but the women flip the hell out.

Midol should be provided.