Why would you hire someone who begged you for a job fixing something,then ends...


Sep 13, 2009
...up complaining it's broken &? if you give them more money they'll try not to break it too much more?
erik-that's fine unless you find out he's not even a plumber
when I hire someone to fix something,I don't keep them around if they're just making more of a mess ...
but what if they stopped the leak that was flooding your basement, but they can't get to the real problem without tearing some walls out?

And the only alternative is the other plumber that installed the bad pipes to begin with.
When I hire incompetent workers it cause twice as much to fix the damage. I never blame the second guy when he finds all kinds of hidden crappy work underneath the facade
I don't know why Republicans always hire illegal aliens to do all their work around the house.