Why won't this guy pick up the phone, who gave me his number!!?


New member
Mar 21, 2009
Okay, this is dryiving me insane! I finally get in touch with my crush(4 weeks before all this). But, I call him on his cell phone, he doesn't pick up. Every time I call him i get the same "enjoy the music" thing, he doesn't answer! Now, he is at some swimming thing in Pennsylvania. What really sucks is that his aunt, who I know quite well, told him I really wanted to talk to him. She doesn't want to keep bugging him about it because she's afraid of becoming the"annoying aunt" .This was Wednesday. He still didn't return my call. Plus, I haven't talked to this dude since summer, June 8th to be exact! Now, if he likes me enough to give me his #, why won't he return my call. It takes like 2 minutes to call someone!!! I only wanted to say hi, or figure out his interests! HELP SOMEBODY! WHAT SHOULD I DO???? BTW: I'm only 14!!!
sorry sweetie, but he doesn't like you. he probably gave you his number to be nice in front of his aunt. if he liked you he'd talk to you.
clearly if he is not answering the phone time after time, he does not want to talk to you. im sorry for the brutal honesty, but it is the truth. if a boy wants to talk to you or see you he WILL make it happen. this boy is obviousley not interested and i don't think relying on his aunt to make things happen is a smart idea.

move on to someone who calls YOU.
If his auntie is playing matchmaker, he probably only gave you his phone number to shut her up and get her to leave him alone. He obviously doesn't want to talk to you or he'd answer. Sorry, time to find someone else and leave him alone. He's obviously not into you.
Did you ask him for his number? He might have just given it to you out of politeness.

I'd play it cool, girl. You don't want to seem too desperate to talk to him... Just don't call him again for a while. When he comes back from Pennsylvania, the next time you see him, just ask how his swim meet went. It shows that you are interested in his activities!
i would just wait till he gets back from his swim meet because maybe he's just busy but if after that he still doesn't call you back then he's probably not interested and you should move on
If his auntie is playing matchmaker, he probably only gave you his phone number to shut her up and get her to leave him alone. He obviously doesn't want to talk to you or he'd answer. Sorry, time to find someone else and leave him alone. He's obviously not into you.