Why say God hates Gays and Lesbians?


Active member
May 11, 2008
So I have normaly stayed well away from this topic, but due to recent events in the UK and the reactions of some religious groupes I thought I would ask this:

Acording to the good book, which was witten by men and so can not be the word of god, we are created in Gods Image, it is a well know fact that god is Everything, he/she made everything so how can people say being gay or a lesbian is an act agienst god instead of just admiting you yourself are just uncomfortable with folks that swing that way.

I can imagin some folks will point the finger and say that is the devils work! Well to that I would point out that god created the morning star, and allowed his fall, and allowed the devil to think up all the bad things in the world, which actually god thought up first, and in fact the devil is nothing but an excuse for people to blame everything they dislike or disagree with on because facing the truth that their god is infact respounciable for all the things they hate, fear or dread is something which is daunghting.

So the actual question, why do you hide behind god instead of just admiting to yourself and everyone else, that you just don't like gays and lesbians because you were raised that way, or had a unpleasent expirence at one point in your life?
Homosexuality and Christianity

Due to the Ubiquitous Nazarene who likes to change with the times to fit into any political or religious agenda, this article is mainly addressed to "Gay Christians." I'm not here to tell you whether you can be gay and a Christian simultaneously, because you do not get to choose whether you're gay or not; either you are or you aren't. On the other hand, however, you do get to choose whether you want to follow such a suicidal program as Christianity or not. One thing that a "Gay Christian" needs to get into their head is that everything related to Christianity is Jewish. The alleged founder of Christianity "Jesus" would have been a Jew if that Jewish piece of shit had existed. Most of us with intelligence know that "Jesus" isn't an historical person. However, the true founder of Christianity was 100% Jewish, and that founder is Paul of Tarsus. The bible is Jewish. The Koran is Jewish. The Book of Mormon is Jewish. The "Civil Rights" movement is Jewish. The root of all of these Jewish programs are the Jewish people and their law book which is not only the Torah, but their Talmud, which the bible echoes in a lot of ways. Think of the Christian (Jewish) bible as the illustrated Talmud that speaks much more on a subliminal level than the Talmud which 99% of it is kept secret from us "goy."

Gentile homosexuals who prefer the civil rights movement, blind equality, or the brotherly love or "love conquers hate" special interest groups, seem to have something in common and that commonality is Christianity/Communism. A homosexual may have been hurt by Christianity over and over again, but once accepting the fact of being gay, some would prefer to hold on to "Jesus" (rather than moving on) by attempting to "reinterpret scripture" and mold Christianity into a cuddly "Jesus never turned anyone away for being different" sham. Despite the hateful fundamental Christians, Christianity is all the same. A liberal Christian is equally Christian as a die-hard fundamental Christian and vice versa. There's a Ubiquitous Nazarene at every turn. A "Jesus" that hates gays and loves to watch gays get the shit kicked out of them or worse, and still at the same time, but from another angle, that very same "Jesus" supposedly loves everyone equally. One of the most popular quotes from "Gay Christians" is that "Jesus was silent about homosexuality." If you read on, you will see that at least indirectly, "Jesus" hated gays just like his dad. Paul of Tarsus, on the other hand, tells the Christian flat out how he feels about homosexuality. Now let's take a look at some of the quotes that are used against gays and how Christianity is a sham that will never bring any Gentile homosexual permanent relief and liberation from homosexual oppression. I am adding a brief explanation from a Satanic standpoint for these verses.

Genesis 1: 27 - 28
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply...."

This is one scripture that Christians use in their "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" bullshit argument. This is also used against gays because homosexual intercourse doesn't provide physical offspring. The "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth" was stolen from the Epic of Gilgamesh, but the ancient Babylonians didn't have any anti-homosexual views. They weren't Christians.