Why pick Jesus Christ?


Active member
May 13, 2008
No disrespect my family is christan but i want to know why is jesus so special? what happened to moses, he performed miracles too.
Moses was a now deceased prophet.Jesus Christ is the Son of God,our Messiah who can come alive in our lives through the Holy Spirit and who will determine if we are qualified for salvation.
kid just delete this question cus some worshiping freaks are gonna start to bombard you. and jesus was the only son of god which makes no sense at all and he died for our sins blah blah blah jesus was jew for those who read this

aliens thats your answer every religion has been based on alien visitations in the past
Moses is cool, but Jesus will take your sins away and loves you and will save you from hell, all he asks is to believe in him.
Moses was only a type of deliverer and mediator, his role was to typify what Christ would do in reality.

Jesus did the actual things that the old Testament only hinted at. And there are a lot of places in the Old Testament that tell of those things.