Why my blackberry cannot register my free Yahoo Mail anymore ?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
I am free Yahoo Mail user.

2 months ago i sucessfully register my yahoo mail into blackberry perfectly. And yesterday, i delete the my e-mail from my blackberry and try to register again via BIS website.

But today , when i input my e-mail to blackberry, it was rejected. blackberry ask me to activate POP3 feature which is never happen before. So, we have to be premium user now to activate yahoo mail in blackberry ??
response to Krista : You can trick your Blackberry into sending Yahoo emails for you, but you can't download incoming Yahoo mail unless you have a Yahoo Plus account. ==========> that's i have never happen before ( 2 months ago ). 2 months ago i register my free yahoo mail into blackberry and it's works. but now , it didnt work