Why Lost Is The Best TV Show To Watch With Your Teens


New member
Aug 16, 2010
When watching a television show with somebody you want it to be one you both enjoy. If the show also invites discussion Tom and Jerry complete collection Planet Earth seasons dvd, all the better. However Lost buy takes this even further. Lost buy actually necessitates discussion to fully enjoy it. To get the most out of Lost buy you need to discuss it The Vampire Diaries buy, examine it Babylon 5 dvd set Federico Fellini collection CSI: Miami complete series on dvd box set Britney Spears dvd, take it apart Married with Children box set seasons 1-11 The Next Generation complete collection One Tree Hill complete seasons Fringe dvd seasons 1 - 2 Stargate Atlantis series dvd Monk boxset Boston Legal series dvd, re-watch it and discuss it some more.This television show has brought my family together more than any other. From the first season on, my sons and I would visit the message boards after each show to get more information. Figuring out what is really happening on Lost buy requires online reading. There are people there that actually freeze frame or slo-mo rewind different parts to find things that the regular viewer never would. Since we each read different message boards The Man Show complete set Band of Brothers complete series Discovery Extreme Machines box sets, articles or reviews Roma complete collection Boston Legal complete box set Woody Allen box set, we would yell out or IM each other with what we discovered.All of the above would not matter if Lost buy wasn't also one of the most enjoyable Cold Case complete collection National Geographic dvd set Federico Fellini collection One Tree Hill dvd box set, intelligent and exciting shows currently on the air. The combination of great producers Heroes Sons of Anarchy complete set dvd, fantastic writers and an amazing cast are what make you want to watch it. The mysterious plot CSI NY dvd set, literary and science fiction references that may or may not mean something and life or death situations are what make you want to discuss it.There are a few others shows that we also watch that meet the above criteria The Simpsons : the complete collection Band of Brothers complete box set That 70s Show tv show dvd sale South Park dvd sets, namely Heroes dvds Married with Children complete series on dvd, Battlestar Galactica complete collection and Dexter complete seasons. However CSI: Miami complete season series dvd, as much as we love these shows Nip/Tuck dvd uk edition Six Feet Under dvd Friday Night Lights the complete collection uk Tales From The Crypt complete box set, and we do discuss them James Bond dvd Andromeda dvds Major on dvd, the level of discussion never reached the same level as it does with Lost buy. I don't know if it's because we began watching Lost buy first or if it's that Lost buy lends itself to more discussion because of all the mysteries and theories, but I think that will always be our favorite family show.