why isn't disney dumping miley cyrus?


New member
Dec 21, 2008
ok, so little spears girl got pregnant and it was all the big news for a while. i am not sure if disney dropped her or not but they def thought about it.

so, little 16 year old miley is dating a 20 year old. around here that is statutory rape. why isn't anyone in an uproar about that. if some 20 year old tried to date my daughter i'd drop him real quick!
Because Miley is, quite possibly, the most famous celebrity in the world. She is bringing disney so much money!

Plus, that's only 4 years apart! Not much at all!
Because Miley is, quite possibly, the most famous celebrity in the world. She is bringing disney so much money!

Plus, that's only 4 years apart! Not much at all!