Why is UFC lumped in with professional wrestling in Wrestling Observer awards?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
UFC is legitamate fighting, not scripted sports entertainment. Boxing is more fake than UFC is.
Dave Meltzer is just trying to get as many audiences to subscribe to his newsletter and it's not uncommon for pro wrestling fans to be fans of UFC as well. As a journalist and businessman, he's trying to keep his subscribers happy. Also, boxing is a legitimate sport. There have been incidents of fight fixing, no sport is 100% scandal free, but it does have far more prestige and history behind it than UFC.
My guess it's because the editors and writers of the Wrestling Observer put them there. If you have a problem about it, let them know.
It's not just UFC. Meltzer has covered PRIDE, K-1, Pancrase, etc. for years and those promotions have cropped up in his awards periodically.

I believe Meltzer started covering mixed martial arts due to the blending of MMA and worked wrestling matches in Japan in the 1980s which stemmed from the foundation of the UWF (Japan) in 1984. By the early-1990s, there were a number of Japanese wrestlers competing in MMA promotions, all of which were covered by the Wrestling Observer.

Meltzer has covered UFC since the inaugural event in 1993 and his readers seem perfectly happy with the fact as a lot of wrestling fans watch MMA as well.

P.S. I agree about boxing being fake. I watched the Lewis/Holyfield fights and Amir Khan's pro debut, and they were blatantly fixed.
WWE should be in the entertainment section. It's more of a stage show most of these people are just actors on steroids and the average age of their fans is 13 years old..