Why is Rachel Maddow the only one still suggesting Palin wil run,& on the...


Sep 13, 2009
...other hand 'laughing' she won't win? Is she that desperate to create her own 'scoop'?
Why is Rachel Maddow the only one still suggesting Palin will run,& on the other hand 'laughing' she won't win?
Is she that desperate to create her own 'scoop'?
I wouldn't count Palin out yet, she's an automatic first tier candidate the moment she steps into the race so there's no reason to declare early.
Probably becuz Sarah Palin won't win.

If you cite seeing russia from your house as foreign policy experience your not fit to be president.
Because Palin causes even more destruction to the Republican Party. Duh.

And Maddow doesn't need her own 'scoop' as you call it. She spent today's segment talking about the Oklahoma City and Joplin disasters.

You conservatives exaggerate SO much, I swear...
Ray Madcow is hurting for viewers and just spouting off in my opinion in an attempt to get more viewers as 7 just wont cut it anymore