Why is Playback on Itch okay, but no turntable or mixing use?


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I am a young DJ leaning to use my Dad's deck and I got it set up tonight on my Compaq Persario V2000. I have all the software on my laptop and am able to play tracks using Itch but that's it. I can't scratch or mix or anything and I want to know what help I can get. The Deck glows blue when I get everything hooked up and I'm even using an extra 9V power source. I have yet to come across a button, knob, or slider that works so I'm a little disheartened. With Itch up and running I see this message saying: Hardware disconnected! With the universal triangle sign with the ! In it. I hope to become someone with a skill to be proud of and I find it hard when I can't get beyond setup. I've tried turning off the internet and using extra juice to help it run with little luck. I send my thanks to all of you kind enough to help me out and help me get started. Your help, no matter what it is, is thanked for.