Why is it when a women rejects or turns you down when you ask her out, she


New member
Dec 18, 2009
wants to talk to you more? I asked a girl out and she said no, we were texting for about a week before i asked her for a date to the movies, she wasn't interested, ok so now that i know i have no chance with her, i moved on and stopped wasting my text message on her. Havent heard from her in a week until today she text me ( where you been i missed you?????) WTF, why would she put it like oh yeah she really miss me!! Bull-****!! I dont want to waste my time on her. What are some good excuse you guys use when you dont want to deal with people?
My advice is to ignore her. She probably is just dancing around you because she knows you like her, so it gives her a good feeling to have you talking to her since she feels like she can keep you at arms length at all times, but will never let you in. Girls hate to be ignored, so ignore her.