Why is it that Democrats who rant about Clinton Running a surplus never seem to

the national debt is just an accumulation of all the yearly deficits/surpluses - if there was a surplus the national debt would have been lowered. I'm pretty sure that Clinton did it 2 years out of 8, and the last president to do it before him was Nixon.
the surplus was on paper only and counted the largest tax increase ever on every working American.
Yes, he did, but he raised it far, far less than Reagan and Bush:


Reagan and Bush raped the US economy and set America on the road to economic ruin. Clinton actually had the national debt going down (adjusted for inflation values) by the end of his term.

See what happened when Dubya got elected? Back to borrowing and spending, it's all the cons know how to do, other than blaming the democrats.

By the way, praising is raving, not ranting.

@ftwink: Nixon did reduce it, but so did Carter, who came after Nixon (again, adjusted-for-inflation values so we're comparing apples to apples.)