Why is being gay so wrong?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Now im not gay however have a number of friends who are and have to deal with peoples dissaproval all the time and just want to know why its so wrong! Is it just a religous thing? i personally am not religous and have never cared what another person did or who they dated as long as they wherent hurting anyone why doesnt more people feel that way. I also hate the arguement about marriage seriously i didnt get married in a church i dont want kids does that make my marriage any less or is that still ok because im hetro? Us hetros arent doing so good in the world of relationships and marriage ourselves 50 % get divorced have step kids and split families where do we get off judging other people? Same with having children gay people dont make gay kids obviously many hetro couples have had gay kids so thats no risk and yet we still stop them yet allow bum hetros to have kids when ever they like addicted to drugs or abused or living through divorce why do we get the right to judge? It just makes me so mad how so many people judge and then hide behind the bible yet more then not there are things within those pages that they dont live by or sin but they except that why so much hate why stop people form being happy god knows there is enough unhappiness in the world without people judging more onto others after all it isnt a lifestyle as people like to say no one wakes up and decides to be gay just like i didnt wake up and decide to be hetro i just was just like they just are. spread love not hate
It's not so wrong, it feels oh so right!

Don't mind Tara J....she's just mad because I had to reject her love for fear of being squished by her huge bulk.