Why is being anti religion = anti racist?


New member
Aug 22, 2009
I'm an atheist and I'm just curious. If you challenge the claims a christian or Muslim or Buddhist makes, they'll claim you're racist.

Why? If I say the bible has no valid supporting evidence to back it up, Christians all of a sudden say "youre racist" and muslims say "you deny islam that means you're racist". Last time I checked, people with different skin color can practice different religions.

Or is them claiming you're racist when you're anti religion the new cool, hip, trendy thing to do? Perhaps just another way for creationists to run away from the argument at hand.
Thank you James

Johnny Y, atheists are all different. I am a loudmouth atheist and I demand the truth about things. So, I have my ways of getting it.
Tim S

Yes give the links
Yes I hate religion for many reasons, war, brutality, slowing our progression as a species.

And sorry if there were some mistakes in there my first language is not English it's Italian.

Yes a lot of people nowadays are complete idiots and dummies that's why they use words in the completely wrong context without knowing what they're talking about.
And just try saying anything against the zionist oppression and slaughter of Palestinians. Boy howdy.
Who calls you a racist for that? Since when has religion had anything to do with race?

Now, religion in itself can certainly be racist, condoning slavery, sexist, condoning male superiority, murder, rape, incest etc. So a little hypocritical to call you a racist, maybe they dont actually understand the meaning of the word
Because religion is just as sensitive as race issues. But since you have no respect for it, why are you so surprised that others do?

I have known many Muslims, Christians, and Buddhists, both in real life and on R&S... NONE of them claim you're a racist if you challenge their beliefs. They'll just say you don't understand their religion, but nothing about hatred or racism.

You're just perfectly spewing hatred and disgust for theists and creationists, and you're making YOURSELF look worse than the people you try to demonize.

I hope you're a troll. Atheists are tons smarter than what you're making yourself out to be.
Hehe I say the same, religion is not a race. They have updated it thought, now your a phobe, so, coz you don't buy into an idea it means your scared of it, rather then rational. The one I seem to hear most is islamiphobe, so all you woman's rights leaders back off!!..hahaha
its just what people say even though religions aren't a race. but what are they going to say? you religionist
Cold Cut Truth,
I have never heard of any christian or muslim calling someone a racist based on religious views or lack there of. For the Buddhists I do not know, but doubt they would say anything like as well.
If you are trying to stir trouble , hate, and discontent, try using something besides the race issue, its played out, wore out, and unoriginal.
God Bless,
People these days tend to be idiots and use the term "racist" for anything they perceive to be discrimination.