Why is asking a question about some women's attitudes labeled "ranting


May 19, 2008
against women"? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Am9Zl7vQ4Efyl9gVooEXKMEazKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20101222085257AAk0edh

Notice that I indicated that a great many women do NOT share the attitude I was asking about. Nowhere did I say "all". NOWHERE.

Does every question have to not only avoid generalization (I actually made a POINT of not generalizing) but also contain the caveat, "Yes, I know some men do it too!"

Or do some feminists just need a LOT more fiber in their diet?

Interestingly, many women weren't offended at all. But the fact that some women will complain and take offense no matter what inclines me to think it's really their problem, not mine.
My question implied no such thing and I even went against the idea that the attitude is held by all and only feminists.

You're just looking for excuses to attack ANYTHING I say.
Because YOUR question implied that ONLY WOMEN want their male kids circumcised. I stated that BOTH men and women sometimes prefer the looks of an uncircumcised penis.

If you had asked the question about "people", it would have been a better question. But you ACCUSED women--and ONLY women--of this, and then went on to describe how they are HORRIBLE people for preferring it, and also had to get your kick in about FEMINISTS.

You RANT against women in almost every post--you have issues AGAINST women and feminists and can't even see it (apparently). You are NOT a balanced thinker.
"some men do it too" is maybe the most intellectually lazy comment I've seen on here. So what IF they do (often it's nowhere NEAR the same degree, if at all). That wasn't the question asked.

Nobody like to be shown in an unfavorable light - women however feel like it's a free pass to personally attack and turn a blind eye to rationality and the truth

EDIT: Old's cool has some nerve calling another person an "unbalanced thinker"!
Just your passive aggressive way of taking a stab at American women. You routinely ask questions instigating hostility towards American women, looking for others to agree with you/approve of your views, rarely ever seeing how irrational that is. Just keep on pretending that you are reasonable and sane, but that's all it will ever be, pretend.