Why has the world quit believing in King of kings and Lord of lords Jesus...

Nov 19, 2008
...Christ? John 14:6; 3:16-18 & 36? I will not let the devil, satan try and stop the truth, the spread of the Gospel of truth the Holy Bible from cover to cover and all the Things Jesus Christ has done for me. When Isaiah 53:4-5; 1 Peter 2:24; Joel 3:10; 1 Cor 12:9; Acts 19:12; James 5:14-17; all speak of healing by Jesus Christ for those that believe, I have been healed miracously several times, Last time( Since Jesus Christ took all alcohol, drugs, June 8th 2004 from me Hebrews 4:16; John 15:5, all tobacco just before mothers day May 2006, I was around a woman smoking God spoke to my Spirit and told mee to go and speak with her so I obeyed and did, she smoked around me and my lungs started bleeding again, I prayed here in apartment where Jesus Christ, Father Elohim, and Holy Spirit of Almighty Godhead trinity ( Genesis 1:26; Matthew 28:18-20; John 3; 14:26; 15:26; Phillipians 3:3; Acts 2:38-39; Acts 19:1-10) I prayed here at home and was spitting blood out of my mouth when went to bed, and if I died was prepared for heaven, Jesus Christ heard my cries for help, the next morning I got up went to bathroom spit in sink and blood was gone!!!! Praise The healing power of Jesus Christ Hebrews 13:8. I believed in awesome faith, and was healed again, Mark 11:23-24; Matthew 22:21-22. And I pray you all get saved and turn from your sins before it's too late! You have two choices Heaven or Hell John 14:1-6, Revelation 22 for heaven, Mark 9:42-50; Luke 16:19-31; Revelation 20:11-15 for a few on Hell where the worm shall not die and the fire shall never be quenched. Jesus Said in Luke 9; Matthew 10; and Mark 8 If you are ashamed of Me and My words I shall be ashamed of you before My Father and the holy Angels in heaven. I'm not ashamed of the Truth and am a Street Minister at present time, until Almighty God speaks something new into my Spirit and Changes the Ministry.
Plus if you don't believe We have freedom of speach rights here in America so I will use them also. For those taking the truth off the Computer for asking a simple question Do you Believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. There's nothing wrong with this question and it was posted in Religion & Spirituality section.
Jesus Loves you all and I still do with the Love of Jesus Christ, Mark 12:29-31; Matthew 22:37-40; Luke 10:27; Exodus 20; and Deut 5.
Plus Jesus said in John 16:2 They will excommunicate you from thre Temples and whosoever kills you will think their doing God a service. Proverbs 16:7 If a man's ways are pleasing untio the Lord He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. They Killed Jesus for preaching the truth and in God's perfect timing they'll kill me too. Praise God, in Jesus Christ's name Phillipians 1:21 for to me to live is Christ but to die is gain!