Why has he lost interest?


Jun 3, 2008
I met a guy at college three years ago, who at the time had a girlfriend. We had great chemistry and were often hanging out as friends. Admitedly, I had a huge crush on him (which was inconvinient) but never acted upon it. I left college for personal reasons a few years early and in turn lost contact with him. He broke up with his girlfriend about a year ago and we began talking on and off for a few months.

We met up for drinks on Valentines day, went for a meal a few months later and then for a summer day out another few months later. The pace was slow and steady and nothing was being rushed- he was initiating things and being a real gentleman. As he's now at University, I don't see him often (hence the patchy dates) but we went for a night out which resulted in sleeping together. It was not awkward afterwards and he even walked me home. The same thing happened another month later.

He now seems to have lost interest in the space of a few days and I'm am baffled. I didn't jump into bed with him after a second of knowing him. I didn't make it 'easy' (or maybe I did, I don't know?) but either way it hurts to think that after three years, all I get is used by someone I really care about.

Why did he do this?!