Why get a ski / snowboard rack if you've got a full sized SUV with a


New member
Jul 4, 2008
huge rubber tray protecting the back? My neighbor just bought a HUGE full size SUV, a real gas guzzler. But he's so pissed off the the dealer didn't have any ski racks in stock because he wants to carry skis up there on top. I mean, its like 30 feet just to get up there, he's going to need a stepladder just to get up there!

He's installed a huge full tray in the back so that any wet items won't ruin the interior. I asked him why doesn't he just put the skis and snowboards inside the Truck, that way he won't have to worry about theft. He looked at me like I was from another planet, then about 2 minute later he asked "What's wrong with me, am I retarded or something?"

I don't understand, what's so bad about placing ski stuff inside, especially if there is a nice tray that will catch all of the melt water?

Anyone got any ideas why he's so pissed off at my comments?
After all, its not like I was suggesting that I put a nuclear bomb in his trunk, or something that could get damaged back there. He carries electronic gear all the time back there, some of it delicate, some of it just huge and heavy, so I don't see how ski equipement could be treated any differently than the electronic gear that he carries.
he doesn't want to break the skis it's easier to have them up there and it's not safe to have them in the back